EP 13 - Men of Enigma are Coming Forth!

Tiffany Parr

In this episode, Tiffany shares a prophetic word regarding upcoming events in these last days.   In conjunction with this word, she has will have follow up video-podcast sharing more in detail.  The full word is written on her blog via link below.  Read corresponding scriptures from this episode, under the blog post or in the Podcast Show Notes.
*This message is from a Youtube video transcribed in podcast format

Welcome back to freshmen with Tiffany on this podcast, I'll share in time teachings, prophetic words and poetry based on the word of God. Grab that fresh manna because spiritual things are slippery. So grab them while you can, let's go into today's episode. Welcome back to fresh man with Tiffany. My name is Tiffany Parr and welcome back. Um, I have something very special to share with you today. Um, the title of this message is, um, men of enigma are coming and along along with men, men who can interpret these enigmas. Um, so let's just pray. Let's pray first. Before we start dear lord, I thank you for this day. I pray lord god that you would make this word plain that um, we would Compare everything to your precious and holy word um, I just thank you lord god for what Um, you've shared and I just pray lord god that you make it simple simple to the hearer lord god And um in jesus name. Amen Okay, so, um, men of Enigma, men of Enigma are coming. Um, what does that exactly mean? It means that, Enigma means to defy explanation or it's difficult to understand or interpret mysteries. Um, something different. It's going to be this very, Something mysterious, impossible to understand completely. That's what Cambridge definition is. Mysterious, impossible to understand completely. Dictionary. com says, Enigmatic, resembling an enigma or a puzzling occurrence. Situation, statement, person, perplexing, mysterious, baffling. Um, yes. Um, where we see this word is, um, first or from what I seen in the word of God is, um, in Daniel. Um, and it does say this in the New King James Version. It talks about enigmas. I think I'll try to see if I can find the, yeah, see if I can see. But, um, This is Daniel 5, Daniel 5, 12. Um, for Belshazzar's feast, you know. Inasmuch as an excellent spirit, knowledge, understanding, interpreting dreams, solving riddles, and explaining enigmas were found in this Daniel, whom the king named Belshazzar, now let Daniel be called, and he will give the interpretation. And so. Um, so a men of enigma. Okay. So let's, so let me explain what's happened. So what I see is, um, men that defy explanation, men that defy explanation. Um, well, we're going to see things that are unbelievable. We will not like. have words to describe what we're seeing. And so, um, there's going to be, um, signs of wonders, um, that God will perform. Um, through his servants, um, it says in Daniel 11, um, 32, um, that we will do exploits that these men will do exploits, men and women will do exploits. And also, um, there's going to be things that the enemy is going to be doing, um, vast miracles that like will defy explanation. And we will say, what, like, this is just. This, this, we like, we don't have words for this. How can this happen? How can this be happening? Especially without the name of Christ, you know, being involved. And so we're going to see this. Also, I see, um, I know this is men who are not men. I guess you want to say transhuman or you could say, um, Nephilim. There's a Nephilim, then there's transhumanism, transhuman, um, but there's just going to be things that are going to happen in this next generation that will defy explanation. Like we will be like, what in the world is this? What in the world is this and how do we come, how do we live in this world that we live in now? And so, um, I'm going to read a little bit about what, um, is going to happen. And this was in my quiet time I received, um, later in the month. Um, it says men who defy explanation, men like Samson doing exploits. These men will challenge, will also challenge like Samson did, you know, giving riddle, riddles. So there's going to be, you know, men of God that they'll have that boldness, even like Elijah, where they, you know, they will challenge the world with things and they will say things to make, um, them think like, hey, you know, You need to turn to Christ, you know, I mean, they're going to put things in such a way that, um, they, people will have to think, people will have to think and things will happen that will, um, Defy the human eye and the day that I received this word, the next day I, um, the Lord took me to, um, a picture of, um, I think they call him little David Walker, um, where he is elevated while he's preaching. He's levitating while he's preaching and God used a child. child to do this, not a man, but a child, uh, probably because then, you know, there's no way a boy of that age can do such things or be involved in something like a cultic or whatever. And also, um, the innocence of a child, you know, they're more innocent. And so, um, We're going to see, so that's an enigma. Um, when you see someone elev, levitating while they're preaching, that's an enigma. And there's a picture, there's pictures on, there's a picture for it. You can look up, look it up online. Um, but I mean, these are the types of things that are going to happen. And when I saw that picture, the Holy Spirit said, this is what I'm talking about. This is what I'm talking about. And that, that is the part that's the, in the body of Christ, um, we're going to see that in the body of Christ, we're going to see the, um, men of Enigma, like Samson. So Samson's like the ones, you know, he, he, um, had the, He caught all 300 foxes and set their tails on fire and he, you know, defeated the Philistines. I mean, he just did mighty deeds, mighty feet. I mean, mighty things that were beyond normal, beyond, beyond what the normal average warrior could do. That's the best way to explain it. He did exploits. He did exploits beyond what the average warrior could do. He did. And that's why they had to send Delilah because they were like, Where's the secret of your strength? Like where's how? How are you doing this? Like, you know, and that's what's going to happen. Um, there's going to be people seeking out people to say, what's your secret? What's the secret of this strength that you have? What's the secret that you can do this? How can you do this? Um, and so. This is what we're going to see now, turning to, um, Daniel chapter 11, 32, um, it says, and okay, we can go on. We're not going to go into the backstory. We're just going to read this one scripture and such as do wickedly against the covenant and he shall corrupt by flatteries, but the people that do know their God shall be strong and do exploit. And that they understand among the people shall instruct many. And, and they that understand among the people shall instruct many, yet they shall fall by the sword, by the by famine, or do I by the sword, by the flame, by captivity, by spoiled many days. Um, and then it goes on. But the point of this is, um, They that know their God, but the people that know their God shall be strong and do exploits. And that's what's going to be happening. A lot of exploits, a lot of exploits in this last day. Now with the enemy side, there's going to be those, um, who are deceiving nations, deceiving people and their exploits, using exploits to deceive people. Um, Jesus said, if it were possible, even the very elect will be deceived. I mean, how can that be? You know, how can it say this? It says it, um, I think in Matthew, I'll put the scripture up there for you. Um, but it says, Jesus said, even, even the very elect, um, if it were possible, even the very elect will be, will be deceived. And so for that to happen, there would have to be, um, exploits that like, really, I mean, Something really, some sort of phenomenon that would defy explanation where the, the, um, people of God will be tempted to be deceived, which I believe there will be some that will be deceived because the ones that don't know their, don't know their God, you know, they don't know the word of God. Those are the ones that are going to be most, um, Susceptible to this deception, uh, 24, 24 and there shall arise false Christs and false prophets and shall show great signs and wonders in so much that if it were possible they shall deceive the very elect. Behold, I have told you before. So even this word that God gave me, these line up with scripture. These things that I'm sharing with you line up with scripture. I don't want to ever Any type of word should always line up with scripture but anyways You might say well Tiffany this is not We're not in the tribulation or we're not in the day of the Lord, you know, you might say but there's a reason why God is sharing this now There's a reason why he's, and I'm not going to be the only one that receives this. They just might say it in a different way. But um, there's a reason why God is pressing upon this right now. That there's going to be things that we're going to be seeing that we will not have words for. Now, there will be people of God, just like it says in Daniel who can explain these dissolving doubts. It talks about dissolving doubts, solving riddles, solving difficult, difficult problems, right? I have it on the blog. It will be what it says in the, in the, um, Hebrew. Okay, it will be there what it says. I think it's it says I think it's razon or something like that I have to see but anyways, um So jesus said if it were possible Even the very elect will be deceived the pressure will be great the pressure to conform to the image to bow down Great fear will descend upon men great fear Men's hearts failing them for fear. These miracles are so are, um, these miracles are, I've never been seen before so much so that people will think that God is in them, is with him, you know, but they will not be. Those representing Christ doing exploits, defying odds, um, during and while being persecuted. Okay. Um, okay. So there will also be, um, those representing Christ who were doing exploits, defying odds, um, While, um, during, you know, when the church is being persecuted, um, like things that happen with, with the early martyrs, there's going to be things that we do that in our day. Because you have to figure back in the time with the early martyrs, they didn't have all the electronic stuff that we have now. They didn't have social media. They don't have, you know, I see that certain things are going to happen with the men and women of God. Like, um, I'll give you an example. Like what, this is what the Holy Spirit is showing me right now. Um, Like in Sodom and Gomorrah, when the angels were being taken in to Lot's house and the men of God, those men outside who were lusting after the angels said, bring us the angels, bring us those, bring us those men, bring us those men. We want the men and Lot tried to offer one of his daughters, but they said, no, bring us the men. Um, the men, those angels, um, put, smote them with blindness. So that they were groping and they groping around the door. Like they couldn't, they couldn't get to them. And that's what I see happening with, um, the men and women of God today doing exploits that they will smite people with blindness. Um, and when I say blindness, I don't mean just literal blindness in their eyes, but things that people may want to record, they will, um, Shut it down supernaturally. God will make sure they can't record things. Make sure they can't get but so far around them. Make sure they don't see certain things. Um, make sure that, um, certain types of things that were tried on them, uh, witchcraft attacks and whatnot. Maybe they were given something to eat or poison or something. It won't work on them. Um, I just see that Those who are rising up in power in the Lord, the we will have exploits too that will that the enemy won't be able to see what's, there's going to be a barrier there where we will be able to, um, I mean, it's going to be amazing these things and it's going to be some of it in the moment. Like it's not going to be something that that person's going to think of that morning and just, well, we'll just see. No, I mean, I also had a vision, um, and this is for another video, but I had a vision of, um, pastors and men and women of God being, um, martyred and some being shot, you know, out on the pulpit. And, and then God has shown me that some of them, this goes along with this, um, will not be able to be shot. They will not be able to be shot. They will be up on the pulpit preaching. Continuing to preach and I see guns, uh, bullets flying towards the, um, altar towards the man of God and the bullet dropping before it hits the altar. Before it hits the altar. I see the, um, The bullets flying and like this barrier there and it dropping, dropping, dropping, dropping. And at first, the people of God and the congregation are going to be like, Oh my God, what's going on? But then some of them will be like, Oh, God has protected us. Like, and they're going to see these bullets dropping. You're going to know no one in that building is going to be touched. Nobody's going to get harmed. And that, um, shooter is going to have to go, like, they're going to go, they're going to go like, um, they will repent or go, you know? Um, I, if, if perchance, um, it's returned back on them, it's possible that that could happen, that it's returned back to them. Um, But these are the types of things that I see happening. I also see men of God who were shot on The altar and are preaching and I mean women of God to men and women who? Want the martyrs death they want to be martyred for Christ, and they will take it They will they will just they will go in Jesus name They will they will want the brought martyrs reward what the martyrs gonna get you know because they just they just want that I mean, they don't mind going that way is what I mean. Um, they'll be happy to be a martyr for Christ. Let me put it that way. Um, and so these are, um, so, okay. So that being said, God wanted me to explain that some people that will be taken that way. It's not that they were in sin and they died because they were in sin that day. Some, and that they, the others are protected because they weren't in sin or they weren't out of the will of God. Some will be martyrs and be completely in the will of God. And some will be, have the barrier set and they will not be attacked. And, um, they will, um, be in the will of God. So it will take discernment. You know, to know, you know, what's happening, but for the most part, that's, this is all for another video, but that is a vision I seen a long time ago, probably over a year ago, I had that vision of the, um, persecution in the church. I mean, that's a whole nother video, but yes, major persecution in the church. That's. Part of the reason why some will go underground and all of that. Um, okay. So I put men will not believe their eyes. They will think they're a part of a movie or dreaming. They won't equate what they're seeing with reality. Some will go mad. Their feeble minds will not be able to handle it. Um, there will be mass, there are suicides. It will be some suicides. Um, so, um, Now these people, some of these people I'm describing, not saints of God in the church, but just men, men in general, you know, your feeble minds will not be able to handle it. You know, men's hearts felling them for fear. It says in the Bible, um, it also says in the Bible, they will call upon the rocks to fall on us, fall on us. Men will seek death, but death, death will flee from them. Right? It says that in Revelation, I think. So there's that that's happening. Um, there will be a stark division in the church, um, holiness, those who serve God and those who do not, those who serve the Lord and those who will not. Uh, there will be like the men and women of God in Goshen, they're in Goshen, they've got lights and then you've got The Egyptians with no lights with the death angel going right through the camp, you know a stark division stark Here are them here. Are they here? Here? Are they there like separate total separate separate? And so that's why the judgments those judgments that will go down you know the the water turning to blood and Um, the plagues and all of that. That's why God is calling us now to come out from the world, to come out from among them and be separate, says the Lord. It's time to repent of those things and come correct. And, um, even as I had spoken in another video, I think about evil men waxing worse and worse about the sifting in the sea or in the sieve. Right now we're in that we're being sifted and, you know, and, um, We want to be standing found on the Lord's side God's calling us who's on the Lord's side If you're serving God, serve God. If you're serving Baal, serve Baal. But you must make a decision. You've got to get out of the valley of decision and make a decision for Christ. So this is the time for it. Right now is the time to make this decision for Christ. And earlier this week, I had um, another picture in my mind. I don't want to use the word vision all of the time. But I had a picture in my mind of the umbrella and how relevant an umbrella is right now. If you're an unbeliever and you're listening to me and somebody sent you this video right now, if it's not raining outside where you live, you do not need an umbrella. You don't need one. You may not have used it for weeks, months. You may not have used it in, in ages, you know, but that umbrella is sitting in your car for that rainy day and the day it rains, that umbrella is going to be relevant to you. It's going to be relevant one day when it rains. It's going to be relevant. You're going to be like, where's my umbrella? Where's my umbrella? Um, if you know, there's going to be storms coming for a long period of time. Um, people are running to Walmart, running here and there trying to get umbrellas. They're sold out. Um, people can't even get umbrellas, you know, because they're sold out. That's when that umbrella is going to be so important. Everybody's going to want one. And this is the same thing that's going to happen in these last days. You're going to want to be covered by the blood of Jesus. You're going to want to be saved, believe, and be baptized. Saved. You want to be saved. You want to believe in Christ and you want to be baptized. Saved. Sozo. Salvation. It's going to be relevant. The blood of Jesus covering your sins. Jesus said it in a, I think it's John, let me see. I think it's John seven or John eight. Okay. Yeah. John eight, 24. Therefore, I say unto you that ye that shall die in your sins for if you believe not that I am he, ye shall die in your sins. That's John eight, 24. Um, So you don't want, you don't want to be found dying in your sins. You want to repent while you can. Don't lie on God. Don't say I'm going to do it later. Don't say I'm going to do it on my deathbed. Don't say I'm going to do it this other time because that may not happen for you and you may, God, God is not mocked. He's not going to just, Oh, Oh my God, I'm just going to do it later. No, it has to be genuine. It has to be real. It has to be your decision for Christ now, taking up your cross daily, taking up your cross daily for him death to self, crucifying that mortal body, crucifying your body to the cross, just as Christ did crucifying your sins to the cross. He's, he's, he's done it the work, but we have to believe and receive him and be baptized. We have to do that. We have our part to do. And so just like that umbrella, one day is going to be relevant when Noah and that arc, when that Noah was making that arc, all those people saw him making that arc, laughing at him, mocking at him. God had already given him the blueprint on how to make this arc. But they were laughing at him. They were having a fun and listening to says Noah preached righteousness. He preached righteousness for how long? You know how long it took to make that arc with all of those animals on it? Then they started seeing those animals walk on there and they were like, Ooh, okay, now he's taking the animals. They probably said things like, I wonder if he's going to take the whole forest. Um, Noah, you only have two animals there. Well, where's the other, where's the rest of the family? You know, I mean, where's the rest of them? You know, how many are you going to take everything? You're going to take them all? You know, I mean, you can just hear them now just making fun of Noah back then, right? Saying all kinds of crazy stuff to him. But the day came when that arc was relevant. And it said that when the flood came, they were trying to get to that door, but God locked it. God locked that door. There was no way they could get in at that point. It was too late. The bridegroom has come. It was too late. It's too late. So you don't want to be found dying in your sins. You don't want to be found. Now is the time of salvation. Today is the day, says the Lord. Today is that day, says the Lord. Today is the day for salvation. Right now. And so we just praise God. I pray that some of you are making the decision for Christ now because it is time. The time is short. There's so much evil in the land. There's so much perversion in the land is getting worse and worse and worse. And though the Saints is going to be more and more unpopular to be a saint. We, when we see him and we will be glorified with him, we are looking for his appearing. We're longing for his appearing. We're looking for that blessed hope. That's where we are now. We are looking for that blessed hope. Praise God. It's better to be a doorkeeper in the house of the Lord than out with the wicked. That is more important right now. And so. I think that's enough for today. We will go back into this again, um, with the men of Enigma, but just realize that there's going to be so much happening that we will be shaken like even God is going to shake everything that needs to be shaken so that that which cannot be shaken. Will remain. And so I pray that you're found one of those remaining in him remaining with him abiding in the vine. So I pray for that now Lord. I pray for those people who have received maybe salvation today who've made a decision for you. I pray God that you would solidify this. this um, salvation. I pray, uh, say after me, I believe in you, Christ. I believe that you died on the sins for me. I believe that you rose on the third day that you were resurrected, that my sins were taken. I renounce my sins. I renounce my sins of the past. I lay them down for you. I genuinely make this decision for you today, Christ Jesus. I make this decision for you today to live for you, even as you died for me. I thank you that I am now saved. Fill me with your precious Holy Spirit that I may walk this thing out, that I may walk this life out for you, giving you glory every day, every day of the rest of my life, whether the rest of my life is one more day on this planet, three months, three weeks, three years, thirty years, forty years, however long it is, let me bring you glory. I glorify you in Jesus name. Alright, so I praise God. Um, I hope you received today. Just remember, spiritual things are slippery. So grab them while you can. This is Tiffany, Fresh Manna with Tiffany. Come back, enjoy, um, another word. Give me a like, a comment, subscribe. Um, but yeah, grab that fresh manna because it can slip right through your hands. All right. God bless. Bye Thank you so much for joining me today on freshman with Tiffany. Feel free to visit the blog before spawning scriptures on today's episode. Until we meet again, just remember spiritual things are slippery. So grab them while you can. God bless you and have a great day.